How to create a Facebook Ad FAST and EASY! for Affiliate marketing

we're going guys Eric Ellis jr. so what I'm going to go over very briefly or as quick as possible at least is how to create any call to action Facebook ad for affiliate marketing right so let's dive in now before you guys create an ad obviously you need a Facebook fan page if you don't know how to create one there will be a link in the description with a quick video right so we're going to do is we're going to click the drop down go to create ads so some of the stuff is you've never done this before it may seem like jargon right now with this one I would either do engagement or reach just to make it easy what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and press engagement now the reason why I pick engagement is because with Reach you're paying for every thousand impressions basically every time your ad is displayed in front of somebody a thousand times not one person but a thousand people you're going to be paying with engagement you're literally paying every time somebody likes shares or comments right and that's what we're going after it's a call to action post so post engagement we're going to press continue

now next what we want to do is we want to go ahead and create an ad set name so what an ad set is is basically the demographic like the age the interest the specifications as far as what type of audience you're looking for and your budget right so that's what the ad set is so what I'm going to do is I'm going to put a e for areolas and I'm going to put affiliate marketing and then I'm going to put the date which is March 2nd 2017 2004 you don't have to put the I would only put the date if I was up doing this for a campaign so if it as OEE and then affiliate marketing right

And also I'm going to put us and also the age I want to do 25 to 45 so custom audience right we're not going to do a custom audience however we're going to go ahead and pick where we want them from so there's three options we're going to pick people who live in this location next um you want to go ahead and pick now the reason why I picked 25 is because when it comes to affiliate marketing 18 to 24 usually aren't in the best financial situation and let's be honest here it cost money to start a business this is a real business model when it comes to up-to-date marketing right so we want to work with qualified people so to cut your ad budget so you're not spending as much money let's go ahead and just stick to min right now language we're going to go ahead and press us for English and then next demographics so.....

What I'm going to do is keep it simple network marketing guy this is going to be very broad but I'm going to explain right so Jim Rohn so we're going to click him and we're not going to add anymore this is basically going to go a lot smaller because we're not going to display this on Instagram so we want this in the middle we don't want it too specific to where there's like nobody and we don't want it too broad we want it to be specified so Jim Ron and we're going to go ahead and save this audience.

Now next here's what I want to basically explain to you guys automatic placement here's the thing Facebook is not have your best interests at heart they have their best interests at heart so to make you spend as much money as quick as possible is how they get paid so we're going to go ahead and edit placements and we're going to do it our own way right so all devices I'm actually going to do mobile only because you're going to get a higher percentage as far as interaction next I'm once you take off Instagram you see that it drops it down to 160,000 people right and next we have mobile only Facebook and next as far as its daily budget listen guys the minimum is five dollars here's the thing which you can do is you can start off at five if it seems like a successful ads and you can always scale it up now what I would recommend is just starting a new ad and then scaling it up to $20.00 it's all the demographics which is your ad set which is this information that we just created any budget if all that works as well as your ad that you create and you're getting a lot of engagement and you want to go and scale it up so basically you're going to scale it up and get higher results so run my ad set continuously starting today so we're going to do five B personally I would never do a $5.00 a day unless I'm starting something out

So next bit amount we're not going to go in and do automatic because like I said Facebook is trying to put money in their pockets so we're going to do manual so suggested bid it's saying 20 cents so what we're going to do instead so we're going to say 10 cents now here's the thing you very well might get something cheaper than 10 cents so um when you get charged no not more impressions we don't an impression is when it's displayed no post engagement I want you to be engaged with my post next um run ads all the time so  basically let me go ahead and explain this really quick right so if I get if I get um 10 comments that's going to cost me a dollar now imagine if you get 10 comments you're going to be able to send your information to 10 people you're definitely going to get the return on your investment next run ads all the time delivery standard and tie and advance options though we're going to keep it at that right so let's press continue now it's time to click which page now what I'm going to do is I'm going to go ahead and go to Eric Ellis jr. or actually let's take one let's click earn with Eric because there's no ads already added so earn with Eric.

Then what we're going to do is create new ad right here we're not using existing post we're creating a new ad so we want to do a single image right we're going to delete this now if you don't have your own image you can go and go to free stocks and you can size in luxury or something of that nature right click it and let's just just to show you an example if that's the one I pick that's what's going to show up with the ad if you look down here see look at that but we're not going to do that I'm going to make it more personal I'm going to create my own right so wait for that to load and then the meantime again earn with Eric now all you have everything pre-written doubt so I'm going to just go ahead and copy and paste it but you would be writing this up yourself right so here's the thing um when it comes to the Facebook ad this is a call to action now here's the thing when it comes to opportunities.
Where you can make money Facebook does not like that so therefore you do not want to drive traffic to that type of link because what's going to happen is they're going to ban your account so if you look at here right when it comes to this is psychology behind this the objective is to create a problem of make it relatable to where somebody might have been in your shoes or something similar and provide a solution right now this right here let me explain that's a bit of curiosity because let's read this really quick as I look into the beautiful view right right here obviously sometimes I think of how much life is truly a freaking blessing let me explain so let's really say let me explain they're like okay they're engaged you capture their attention you build their curiosity I was broke living paycheck-to-paycheck until I learned how to earn my first dollar on line then we're going to so this was basically the problem right something to relate somebody else might be living paycheck to paycheck looking at this post and okay obviously this is a solution the solution sounds like it's going to come up next so here's the call to action like this photo and comment more info.

I will send you a free video training that breaks down the step-by-step process on how I transition from broke sa joke to a full-time job quitting income on line I will only send this free video training to you if you like this video and comment more info so if you notice I did to call to actions so if they're truly interested in receiving more info meaning instead of being the hunter you're the hunted people are requesting for your opportunity or something that's going to change your life then you're going to basically follow up by sending them your link via message straight just going to literally the people that comment more info just to kind of give you guys an example one of my ads before just to give you guys a tidbit of something like this now this one is a little bit different because it's a a video but I ran a similar campaign if you look right here this had 96 thousand views and it said like share and comment so if you notice what happened is people requested information so let me go ahead and click it so if you look I had 602 comments 485 shares imagine the organic reach and people consistently request more information to where if you see the response just to show them show you guys a quick follow up right I said hey you requested more info on generating and online income click the link below for more information so guide just to kind of go on the depth after you create your ad and you respond to these people there's a three-step process first is actually creating the ad and the call to action and second is sending your information to the people who request your information and third is following up meaning after I send this I want to send a follow-up I haven't even followed up yet but listen the follow up do you have any questions about the video or are you ready to get started so it's literally an alternative choice I'm not giving you a yes-or-no it's either are you ready to get started or Scootie do you have any questions or are you ready to get started then so this is the three-step process.

I created the ad I did my call to action they request more info I sent them to my page right and then once they click my page I followed up with them so what happens is when you followup with them they either are going to have questions or they're going to be ready to join your opportunity so again once you go ahead and create this and you build the proper ad right what you're going to do is you're going to go ahead and press place order now obviously you want to go ahead and review the order first however I'm just for time sake for this video I want to show you then it's going to say your order has been placed you will receive a notification when your ads are reviewed so basically they're going to go to review my ad how does you have been doing this for a while so it's going to go ahead and go through then what's going to happen is once they go through um they're you're going to go through the reset process now the first step which is creating the add in the call to action the second step is sending them the information that they requested and third is the follow up so that is the simple process to where you can literally generate massive amount of leads and it enables you to follow up with these people and you're not hunting you are the hunted so again just introduce myself I mean you can look at my page right here Eric Ellis jr.

Serial entrepreneur I'm a professional online sales and marketer and affiliate marketer if you're looking for an opportunity I actually have one where you can generate a serious amount of income online that's what I'm actually doing this training for but I feel like you guys could benefit from this as well go ahead there's going to be a link in the description which will allow you to actually up generate an income if there's something that you are looking to do go ahead and um reach out to me or go ahead and click the link in the description and we'll go to lock arms and get started how would you guys if you gain anybody from this go ahead and like this video go ahead and drop a comment if you have any questions drop a comment and subscribe for more valuable content in the future again thank you guys Eric Ellis jr. and you guys have a wonderful day peace out and I will see you at the top

How to create a Facebook Ad FAST and EASY! for Affiliate marketing How to create a Facebook Ad FAST and EASY! for Affiliate marketing Reviewed by Admin on 00:17 Rating: 5

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